09 Jul-2024

Things To Consider If You Want A Pet In Your Apartment In Thrissur

Posted onJul 09, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Thrissur, Thrissur

So you’ve followed the real estate market trends in Thrissur and moved out of your individual house, but now you’re worried about your pet. You don’t have to be. It is certainly possible to have a pet in your apartment. 

Is your Building Pet Friendly?

Find out if the residents’ association accepts pets happily or whether they will make life miserable for you. Indian law does not allow any resident’s association or society to make by-laws that ban the keeping of pets in a building by a resident - section 11 (3) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960 explicitly says so. However, if the association and the other residents frown on pets, they can make life difficult for you with constant complaints. If you are certain about having a pet, look for a building that welcomes pets.

How Safe is Your Pet?

Small dog breeds and cats make ideal apartment pets. Big dogs need a lot more space, and they may feel suffocated in a flat. Ensure that your pet can’t escape through your doors or windows - keep them closed, or have mesh coverings. If they wander outside on their own, there is risk of injury, them getting attacked, or them attacking someone. Never allow anyone to tease your pet as it tends to irritate them. 

Are You Using a Leash?

If not, get one immediately. Especially when it comes to dogs, It's advisable to have it in a harness or on a leash so that other pets and residents, and your dog, are all safe from accidental contact and potential attacks from one another.  You can walk your dog on the grounds and take it in the lift, but don’t put it in the swimming pool. Their fur may cause allergies to others.

Is your Dog Well-Trained?

It’s ok if your dog can’t do tricks, but you must train it to sit, stop, and not to accept food from strangers. This will keep your dog safe. By learning to stop, you can control it from going berserk. If it’s an aggressive dog, get professional help so that it doesn’t become a danger to others.

Does your Dog go Potty in the Building?

If yes, you must immediately scoop and bag it, and dispose it off properly so that it doesn’t become a problem for other residents, children and the elderly especially. Dispose of cat litter properly. Cats are usually neat animals and will use the litter box you keep, even without training. This is also one of the tips for keeping your apartment in Thrissur clean.

Is your Furniture Right?

Cats may scratch and dogs may chew on your wooden furniture. A better option is steel or wrought iron furniture, which they will avoid. Ensure that the upholstery material you choose is safe for them; furry fabrics hampers their breathing. Velvet and chenille trap their fur and makes cleaning problematic; silk is damaged by them. Ideally, Rexine and leather should be used - it's a win-win for you and your pet.

Are you Using Strong Chemicals?

. When it comes to pets, floor cleaners with harmful chemicals can make them ill as they lie down on the floor. They may ingest it while breathing, licking the floor looking for food scraps, or even lying down. Choose mild cleaners and organic materials.

Are They Well Cared For?

Your dogs need plenty of exercise, and you need to take them outdoors every day. Cats will entertain themselves with small items, but dogs are dependent on you. Get them some toys, keep them well hydrated by keeping their water bowls filled, and feed them nourishing food. Make sure they are vaccinated against distemper, rabies, etc. for their and others’ safety


Having a pet can be very fulfilling, but remember, pets need your time and monetary investment. Don’t get one unless you’re ready for that commitment. Varma Homes buildings are ideal to have pets as their apartments are spacious and have decent sized grounds for them to walk and play.

Also read: Noise reduction strategies for apartment living


Is it legal to keep pets in apartments in Thrissur?

Yes, Indian law prohibits any resident’s association from banning pets in apartments. Ensure your building is pet-friendly to avoid conflicts with neighbors.

How can I ensure my pet's safety in an apartment?

Keep doors and windows secure, use mesh coverings, and always supervise your pet outdoors with a leash to prevent escapes and potential harm.

What type of furniture is best for apartments with pets?

Steel or wrought iron furniture is ideal as pets are less likely to damage these materials. Use pet-friendly upholstery like Rexine or leather for easier maintenance.

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