
05 Sep

How to Invest in the Right Property Within Budget in Trivandrum

Posted on Sep 05, 2024
Real Estate Investment Strategies in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

There are many avenues for investment, like gold, shares, precious stones, and property. The last one also involves an emotional component. Are you eager to buy property, but are unsure what your real estate investment strategies in Trivandrum should be? If you are finding it difficult to decide on the right property, we have some great tips for you.  What’s your Budget? How much money do you need to cover your monthly expenses? This should include your existing EMIs, utility bills, groceries, educational fees, medical expenses, etc., and a little extra for emergencies. Deduct this amount from your monthly income, and you will get an idea of the kind of monthly payments you will be able to afford. Based on this and your credit score, you can determine the loan amount you can and want to apply for. This should be your budget. You should aim to purchase a property that falls within this budget. What are your Needs? First, you need to decide if you need a plot, a villa, or an apartment. If it’s the last, there are certain things to consider when buying an apartment. This includes factors like the reputation of the builder, the location of the building, the amenities on offer, road access, availability - ready to move in, or under construction, and so on. You also have to decide whether you’re happy with a simple and functional apartment or want all the bells and whistles, like a swimming pool, gym, landscaped garden - the works. Have you Done your Homework? Even if you’ve decided that it’s an apartment that you want to buy, you need to know the market trends, and see what type of properties are the best investment in the current market. Which builder, what location, the exact apartment type, and more. And how will you do that? You need to check reviews left by homeowners about developers, projects, locations, and so on. Learn about the legal formalities involved in real estate transactions. Check if you can get a housing loan easily for the property in question. Are You Getting the Best Deal? Some builders may tell you that there are giving you a special offer, but you may be able to chalk out an even better deal. Don’t take anything for granted, and keep looking for the best deal for yourself. Try to book under-construction flats, or where new projects have been launched if you’re not in a hurry to move in, as these are usually sold for a lower price. Is the Property As Claimed and Advertised? Unless you go and physically inspect the property, you will not know if the actual matches the description. So, don’t fall prey to false advertising, and see for yourself how the property is, even if it’s an apartment. How good is the construction quality and layout? What amenities have been included? Are there any sustainability initiatives? How secure is the area, the building, and the flats? What measures have been taken from the safety perspective? Is the quality of tiles, paints, fixtures, etc. used in the apartment good? If it’s an older flat, check for signs of aging, cracks, leaks, and so on. Conclusion There are innumerable future opportunities for development in Trivandrum, making it one of the most preferred destinations to purchase real estate in Kerala. Trivandrum has several globally reputed educational and research institutions, hospitals, cultural centers, etc. The city is blessed with abundant natural beauty also, making it desirable to live in. The demand for real estate has skyrocketed in Trivandrum in recent times, so it is the ideal time to jump in. The longer you wait, the more expensive property is likely to get in the state capital. If you’re looking for the best property, Varma Homes is the right choice - projects in top localities with world-class amenities, visual appeal, and superior construction. Varma Homes adhere to all government norms and regulations like RERA and others. Check out the premium 2 and 3 BHK apartments today. FAQs What are the best tips for buying a property within budget in Trivandrum? To buy a property within your budget in Trivandrum, start by determining your financial capacity, considering all monthly expenses and potential EMIs. Research various property options, such as plots, villas, or apartments, to see what fits your budget and lifestyle needs. It’s also important to look into market trends and developer reputations to ensure you’re making a sound investment. Don’t forget to visit the property in person to assess its condition and match it against what you were promised. How do I know if a property in Trivandrum is worth the investment? To know if a property in Trivandrum is worth the investment, check the location, amenities, and future growth prospects of the area. Research the developer’s history and read reviews from other buyers. Visiting the property site is crucial to assess the quality of construction and the surrounding infrastructure. Understanding market trends and comparing similar properties can also provide insight into whether you’re getting a good deal. What factors should I consider when selecting a location for my property in Trivandrum? When selecting a location for your property in Trivandrum, consider proximity to essential amenities like schools, hospitals, and public transport. Evaluate the neighborhood’s safety, cleanliness, and overall vibe. It’s also important to consider the potential for future development in the area, as this can significantly impact your property’s value over time. Lastly, think about your lifestyle needs and how the location fits into your daily routine to ensure it’s the right choice for you.

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04 Sep

Ways To Pay Off Your Home Loan Faster in Trivandrum

Posted on Sep 04, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

The real estate market trends in Trivandrum indicate that it’s the ideal time to purchase a home, whether it’s for your own use or as an investment. The reason being that the city is experiencing tremendous growth and the demand for real estate is increasing steadily, pushing up prices. Today, home loans are easily available, allowing people to purchase property when they want. But it’s a debt that you need to pay off; the sooner, the better.  Here are some tips to do that: Opt for a Lower Amount The benefits of opting for a home loan in Trivandrum, is that you don’t have to wait, and you can buy a better, more expensive property. By paying a high down payment, you can choose to avail of a lower loan amount, depending on what you can afford. Check your disposable funds and calculate your expenses, and you will know how much loan you need. If you can pay about 20% of the value of the house, or even higher, your loan amount, and consequently the interest, will be relatively lower. Shorter Tenure The shorter the tenure you choose, the faster you will pay back the loan, and this is one of the most critical things to know before getting a home loan. Remember that shorter tenures mean higher monthly payments, so you need to know the state of your finances, and know what amount you can comfortably pay each month before you choose the loan tenure. Higher EMIs When you elect to pay a higher amount each month, it means reducing your loan tenure. This way, you will be able to pay off your loan quicker. Higher EMIs also mean that you pay lesser interest, as the major portion of your EMI will go towards paying off the principal amount. You should decide on the EMI after having a clear picture of your monthly expenses, and keeping aside something for emergencies. Partial Payments If you come into some extra funds any time during your loan tenure, use them to make part payments towards the loan. This can help to reduce the principal amount substantially, helping you pay off your loan faster. Balance Transfer After a few months, you may find a lender who is willing to offer softer terms of payment like lower interest, EMIs, or others. Negotiate with them and transfer the rest of your loan account to them to save on interest to be paid. Pay on Time Make sure you’re never late with an EMI payment. Ideally, you should set up an ECS mandate so that the amount is automatically paid from your account. Delaying or missing EMIs have severe consequences, like legal action, fines, reduction in credit score, and difficulty in obtaining loans in the future. Tax Benefits If you have a home loan, you get tax benefits. If you’re unsure how it works, contact a chartered accountant or other financial consultant to understand it better. The rules tend to change frequently, so update yourself. The money saved in this way can be used to make part payments. Conclusion Availing home loans is easy; it’s paying it back that is the difficult part. The longer your tenure, the longer you have to keep ensuring that your account is funded to pay your EMIs. You will continue to be under pressure as long as you have the loan on your head. If you’re looking for reputable project developers who can connect you with the best lenders with great service, Varma Homes is your answer. Varma Homes is one of the best builders in Kerala with an excellent track record of superior quality, timely delivery, and transparent transactions. All projects conform to RERA and other government norms, and feature world-class amenities. FAQs What are the benefits of opting for a shorter loan tenure? Opting for a shorter loan tenure means you'll pay off your home loan faster, which can save you a significant amount on interest over the life of the loan. However, it also requires higher monthly payments, so it's important to assess your financial situation and ensure that you can comfortably manage the increased EMIs. How can making partial payments help me pay off my home loan faster? Making partial payments whenever you have extra funds can greatly reduce your home loan's principal amount. By lowering the principal, you decrease the interest charged on your loan, which helps you pay it off quicker. This strategy is particularly effective if you come into unexpected money, like a bonus or inheritance. What should I do if I find a lender with better loan terms during my tenure? If you find a lender offering better loan terms, such as lower interest rates or more favorable EMIs, you can consider a balance transfer. Transferring your loan to a new lender with softer terms can save you money on interest and help you pay off your home loan faster. However, be sure to calculate any transfer fees and ensure the savings outweigh these costs.

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03 Sep

How To Create A Meditation Space in Your Flats in Trivandrum?

Posted on Sep 03, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Trivandrum, Trivandrum

Are you feeling stressed out due to your job or issues in your personal life? Just like how we exercise to stay fit and improve physical health, it is important to have good mental health and wellness. You don’t even have to go anywhere for that. You can easily create a space ideal for meditation even in your apartment, assuming you’ve followed the real estate market trends in Trivandrum and chosen to live in a flat. For your mind to be calm and relaxed, you have to create the right ambience.  Here are some guidelines that can help: Reduce Chaos Minimizing things in your house is one of the best  tips to attract positive energy into your flat. Clutter inhibits the flow of positive energy and vibrations, and instead creates a gloomy atmosphere. Get rid of things you don’t need, sell or donate them to someone needy. It will also create more space in your home and make it look better. Lots of things lying around the house is always depressing. Fresh Air Cross ventilation is essential, but if that’s not possible, just ensure that you allow the maximum fresh air and light possible. No electric light fixtures, fans or A/Cs can be a substitute for natural air and light. Sunlight is a very positive element that can help get rid of odours and a dingy atmosphere. If required, use air purifiers to improve air quality. Plant It Having a few plants in your home, and especially in the room where you plan to meditate, can help create a very tranquil atmosphere. Also, plants give out oxygen, which will help you relax further, and meditate. Indoor plants are also a great idea for low-cost interior design for apartments in Trivandrum. Get plants that can thrive indoors and are easy to maintain. Choose the Right Colours Ideally, you should earmark a place with minimal traffic for your meditation space, like a corner of your bedroom or a spare room, if you have one. The walls should feature soothing colours, whether you use paint or wall paper. If you’re using textures, they should be pleasant designs, preferably self or mild contrast, not start contrasts or very vivid colours. Sensory Elements The senses are heightened when you drop everything else, so here’s what you need to ensure: Smell Your mind associates peace and relaxation with pleasant aromas or fragrances. Unpleasant smells will not help you stay calm; ergo, it’s essential that you create a pleasing fragrance with the help of scented candles, pot-pourri, incense sticks, flowers, fragrance pouches, or air fresheners. You will find that your mood is much more relaxed and mind tranquil. Sound  If you prefer total silence, ensure you switch your phone to silent, and ask others at home to not disturb you in any way. Otherwise, there are chants, hymns, or pieces of instrumental music that you can play, to help you relax and put you in the mood for meditation. Your Seat Having a comfortable seat is the most important part of your meditation ritual. You can either sit on a low chair or stool, or have a soft mat or rug so that you are at peace. Ideally, you should have a back rest so that you don’t get a stiff back. Conclusion Now you know how easy it is to create your own meditation space in your home. When you purchase a flat from Varma Homes, you will find the layout and design are such that you will be able to easily find the ideal meditation spot. Varma Homes apartments feature superior construction, ample green spaces, ultramodern amenities, and a peaceful atmosphere that help you relax and rejuvenate your senses. Varma Homes is one of the best builders in Kerala with a reputation for transparent dealings and adherence to all regulatory requirements. Check out their premium 2 and 3 BHK apartments in the top residential localities of Trivandrum. FAQs  How can I create a meditation space in my Trivandrum apartment to reduce stress? Creating a meditation space in your Trivandrum apartment is simple and can significantly help reduce stress. Start by minimizing clutter to promote positive energy flow. Ensure good ventilation and natural light, as fresh air and sunlight are essential for a calming atmosphere. Incorporate indoor plants to add tranquility and choose soothing colors for your walls. Lastly, introduce sensory elements like pleasant fragrances and calming sounds to enhance your meditation experience. What are some essential elements to include in a meditation space at home? To create an effective meditation space at home, consider these essential elements: Reduce clutter: A clean, organised space promotes a peaceful mind. Fresh air and natural light: These are crucial for a relaxing environment. Indoor plants: They improve air quality and add tranquility. Soothing colours: Choose calming hues for your walls. Sensory elements: Include pleasant fragrances and calming sounds to elevate your meditation practice. Why is choosing the right colour important for a meditation space in your flat? Choosing the right colour for a meditation space in your flat is crucial because colours can significantly impact your mood and mental state. Soothing colours, like soft pastels or earthy tones, create a calm and relaxing atmosphere, which is essential for effective meditation. Avoid bright or stark contrasts, as they can be distracting and prevent you from achieving a peaceful state of mind.

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02 Sep

Tips to Find The Right Real Estate Agent in Thrissur

Posted on Sep 02, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Thrissur, Thrissur

There are several reasons why you should consider real estate investment in Thrissur. It’s the cultural capital and financial hub of Kerala, and is emerging as a centre for the IT industry as well. A lot of thought obviously goes into a real estate transaction, as it involves huge amounts of money and several legalities. However, you don’t have to do all the heavy lifting yourself. You can engage a real estate agent who is well versed with the real estate market trends in Thrissur and can offer the best services to you. What to look for in a Real Estate Agent Past Performance Read reviews written by home buyers who have used their services. Ask friends and family for references - have they used a real estate agent’s services recently? Enquire how the service was. Online reviews are usually very honest too, and a good way of checking out agents. These two methods in combination will help you to shortlist a few reliable agents capable of providing the service you need. Experience How knowledgeable is the agent about the market? Do they have many contacts? Are they good at networking? The right combination of knowledge and experience is what makes a real estate agent great. Such agents will be able to find the property you want - within your budget, preferred location etc. They will also be able to connect you with the best financial institutions if you need home loans. A good agent will also be able to find you a good tenant or buyer if you’re looking to rent out or sell your property. Expertise Make sure that your real estate agent has strong market knowledge. They must be on top of trends, know all about the builders, new projects, property types, lenders, loan schemes, and more. They should be able to explain what impacts prices of property and how you should make decisions. Negotiation skills are also a must, as only then will they be able to ensure you get the best deals, and that the transaction is carried out in a timely fashion. Diligence A real estate transaction involves logistical, legal, financial, and other factors. Your real estate agent must be well versed with real estate transaction formats, clauses, etc., and be able to review them to ensure your interests are served. They must be able to review and verify the accuracy of purchase agreements, inspection records, loan agreements, and so on. A reliable agent is one who is meticulous and catch potential issues before they blow up; for example, some anomalies in the documents or legal issues that could become a headache for you later. A diligent agent will ensure that everything is in order so that you don’t face problems later. The Next Step Talk to A Few Agents Don’t finalize an agent before you talk to a few first - we recommend at least four to five. Question them to see their level of expertise, experience, and knowledge for yourself. How tech-savvy are they? Are they confident in their abilities and are they able to answer your questions satisfactorily? Make your decision only after taking to them at length - after all, you want the best agent. Conclusion You can find the best real estate agent with a little effort; or you can decide to buy a flat in a Varma Homes project. We can give you many reasons why you’ll love apartment living in Thrissur, especially when it’s from Varma Homes. World-class amenities, superior construction, elegant layouts, sustainable measures, outstanding fixtures and finish, and the best residential locality in Thrissur. What’s not to love, when all the great things come together to be found under one roof – or in one apartment building? All Varma Homes project adhere to RERA and other norms, and you can be assured of smooth, swift, and transparents transactions.Also read: What are the future opportunities for development in Thrissur? FAQs What should I look for in a real estate agent in Thrissur? When searching for a real estate agent in Thrissur, consider their past performance, experience, and expertise. Check reviews from past clients and ask for recommendations from friends and family. An experienced agent should have strong market knowledge, a vast network, and excellent negotiation skills. They should be able to guide you through the buying or selling process, ensuring you get the best deal while managing all logistical, legal, and financial aspects of the transaction. Why is it important for a real estate agent to have strong market knowledge? Strong market knowledge is crucial for a real estate agent because it enables them to provide informed advice on property trends, prices, and market dynamics. An agent with expertise in the Thrissur market can help you find the right property within your budget and preferred location. They can also negotiate effectively on your behalf, ensuring you get the best possible deal and navigate any potential challenges in the buying or selling process. How can I find the right real estate agent in Thrissur? To find the right real estate agent in Thrissur, start by talking to multiple agents to assess their expertise, experience, and knowledge of the market. Look for agents who are tech-savvy, confident, and able to answer your questions satisfactorily. It's also helpful to review online feedback and gather recommendations from trusted sources. Choosing an agent who understands your needs and has a proven track record can ensure a smooth and successful real estate transaction.

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01 Sep

How Can You Reduce Your Loan Rate Effectively in Thrissur?

Posted on Sep 01, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Thrissur, Thrissur

If you follow real estate market trends in Thrissur, you know that it’s the right time to purchase property. The advantage of taking a home loan is that you can choose a property that ticks all your boxes. This means location, the standard of the apartment, amenities, construction quality, and more. However, you must always remember that it’s something you have to pay back, and so, must always find a way to free yourself of the debt as quickly as possible. Here are some guidelines: Do your Homework Even if you avail a home loan, you have to ensure that you are able to afford the monthly payments. It is wise to apply for an amount that you can comfortably pay back each month. You can check how much EMI you will have to pay with the help of a home loan calculator. You must also compare offers from various banks and financial institutions on the basis of tenure, interest rate, processing fees, LTV ratio, and more. It is also important to compare lenders in terms of service quality; read reviews and ask for referrals.  Reduce Your LTV Though you may be tempted to avail of the highest loan amount possible, one of the things to know before getting a home loan is that you avail the lowest you can afford. The Loan-to-value ratio is the percentage of property value that banks will offer. They may offer 90%, but if you can afford to pay a higher down payment and only take say 80% LTV, that’s what you should take so that your debt burden becomes lower. Lower LTVs help you increase your credit score too. Get A Co-Borrower When you have a co-borrower, like a partner, sibling, spouse or a parent under the age of 70 years, you can apply for a larger loan. It will provide joint property ownership along with tax deduction benefits of up to 1.5 lakh rupees under the IT Act, section 80c. Negotiate Hard Even after shortlisting the best lender, keep pushing for the best deal you can get. Banks  have the flexibility of offering better terms with regard to tenure, processing fees, balloon payments, payment modes, and so on, provided you have a good credit history and score, a good income, steady employment, flexible EMIs, lower interest rates, and so on. Always negotiate to get the best possible deal that you can get from the bank. Pay Higher EMIs Calculate your current and future expenditure, and also budget for emergencies, and compare this with your income and funds available. This will give you an idea of the maximum EMI you can pay. Choosing a high EMI and reduced tenure will help you lower your loan rate and interest burden, and pay off your loan quicker. Partial Payments  Making part payments when you come into some extra funds will help you reduce your principal directly, which can have the consequence of reducing your EMIs and decreasing your overall interest amount. This will help you pay back the loan faster. Refinance If you happen to find a lender who is willing to offer better terms, transfer your loan to that lender, even if it has been just a few months since you availed the home loan. Refinancing or balance transfer is a method to reduce your EMIs, interest burden, or tenure. Conclusion The future opportunities for development in Thrissur are tremendous, making it a desirable location to invest in real estate. Varma Homes is one of the most reputed builders in Kerala who can connect you to the best lenders for availing of home loans. Banks are happier to lend when the builder is known to them and reputed for quality, integrity, and transparency. All Varma Homes projects adhere to all RERA and government regulations. Their premium 2 and 3 BHK apartments in the best localities of Thrissur are highly doubt after by home buyers. FAQs What are some effective ways to reduce your home loan interest rate in Thrissur? To effectively reduce your home loan interest rate in Thrissur, you should start by doing thorough research. Compare different lenders based on interest rates, tenure, processing fees, and service quality. Reducing your loan-to-value (LTV) ratio by paying a higher down payment can also help. Additionally, having a co-borrower and negotiating hard for better terms can significantly lower your interest rate. Refinancing your loan with a lender offering better terms is another strategy to consider. How does making partial payments on your home loan benefit you? Making partial payments on your home loan can directly reduce your principal amount, which in turn lowers your EMI and overall interest burden. This approach helps you pay off the loan faster and saves money on interest over the loan term. It's a smart strategy if you come into extra funds, like a bonus or inheritance, allowing you to reduce your debt more quickly and efficiently. Why is it beneficial to have a co-borrower when applying for a home loan in Thrissur? Having a co-borrower, such as a spouse, parent, or sibling, can be highly beneficial when applying for a home loan in Thrissur. It allows you to qualify for a larger loan amount due to the combined income, and it also offers tax benefits under Section 80C of the IT Act. Moreover, the shared responsibility can make it easier to manage the loan repayments, potentially qualifying you for better loan terms.

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30 Aug

Things to know About The Fire Protection System Used in Flats and Apartments in Thrissur

Posted on Aug 30, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Thrissur, Thrissur

If you are considering purchasing a flat following the real estate market trends in Thrissur, there are several factors to consider. The location, builder, type of amenities you want, and so on. Safety is one of the foremost aspects you need to think about. Knowing the fire safety measures and equipment that apartments must have is essential. Awareness about this will allow you to maximize your safety in Thrissur apartments. Fire Alarms Fire alarms are a must in apartment buildings. These are automated, and trigger the alarm as soon as they detect a fire. The alarm is a loud sound that is audible to all the residents, indicating that they should escape. Automated fire alarms are intended to save lives by making people evacuate rather than actually put out fires. Manual fire alarms are also installed in some places; these need to be sounded by an individual when they notice a fire. Automated alarms on the other hand, have sensors to detect high temperatures, smoke, etc. Fire Extinguishers Fire extinguishers are placed strategically throughout the building so that anyone can quickly use it to douse the fire. Corridors, car parking areas, and lobbies are where they should ideally be installed. Fire extinguishers are of different types, as water is incapable of putting out all types of fires. Certain fires need chemical extinguishers. You too can purchase a fire extinguisher for your own flat, to use in case of fire. Fire Blankets Fire blankets are useful in case of kitchen or office fires – caused by oil, grease, short circuits, etc. It is very easy to use; you simply have to remove it from the packaging and cover the fire. It’s a compact device that you can keep at home. Sprinkler System Ideally, an apartment must be fitted with a sprinkler system so that whenever fire is detected, water sprays over it, protecting the residents. These are automated systems fitted with sensors that detect fire using the principle of acoustic waves, and activate the sprinkler. This is where we can see the role of technology in modern luxury homes in protecting and saving human lives. Fire Evacuation Routes In most fires, more people die in the ensuing chaos and stampede than smoke inhalation. This is why it is critical that a clear plan of evacuation must be made, and the evacuation route or routes must be displayed prominently on all floors, in the corridors and lobbies etc. it is imperative that the route is followed precisely and calmly in the event a fire breaks out. Your Responsibility Inspection and Testing of Equipment You must ensure that all the fire-fighting equipment is functional and that it’s not past its expiry date. Test fire alarms, both manual and automated, and check that the sound is loud as required. Other equipment should be calibrated and tested; fire drills must be conducted so that residents know how and when they need to evacuate if there is a fire. All residents should be made aware of how to prevent fires, especially in the kitchen, and the first steps to take in case of fire. Conclusion Nothing can be more important than the safety of your family. At Varma Homes, we understand this, and have made sure that every precaution is taken to prevent fire breakouts. Extensive plans have been made for evacuation to save the lives of the residents in the building. All Varma Homes projects adhere to the strictest standards of safety and security, like using fire retardant materials, firefighting equipment, and more. Varma Homes projects adhere to RERA norms and other government regulations, and are some of the most solidly constructed, and visually appealing apartments in Thrissur. Check out the premium 2 and 3 BHK flats in the best residential area of Thrissur. FAQs What types of fire extinguishers should be in Thrissur apartments? Thrissur apartments should have a variety of fire extinguishers to handle different types of fires. Common types include water-based extinguishers for ordinary fires and chemical-based extinguishers for electrical or grease fires. These extinguishers should be strategically placed in accessible areas like corridors, car parking zones, and lobbies. Having the right type of extinguisher and knowing how to use it can help quickly control small fires and prevent them from spreading. Why are fire alarms important in apartment buildings? Fire alarms are crucial in apartment buildings because they provide an early warning system to alert residents of a fire. Automated fire alarms use sensors to detect smoke or high temperatures and trigger a loud alarm, signaling everyone to evacuate. This prompt alert can save lives by giving residents time to escape before the fire spreads. Some buildings also have manual fire alarms that residents can activate if they see a fire, adding an extra layer of safety. What should I do if a fire breaks out in my apartment? If a fire breaks out in your apartment, the first step is to stay calm and act quickly. If it's a small fire, use a fire extinguisher or fire blanket to try to put it out safely. If the fire is too large or out of control, evacuate immediately using the designated fire evacuation routes. Do not use elevators, and avoid opening doors that feel hot. Once outside, call emergency services and do not re-enter the building until it is declared safe. Being prepared and knowing what to do can make all the difference in an emergency.

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29 Aug

How to Invest in the Right Property Within Budget in Thrissur

Posted on Aug 29, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Thrissur, Thrissur

Owning your own home is a lifelong dream for many; buying property is not a decision that should be made lightly. It is not a small purchase; it has long term repercussions, and there are a lot of legal formalities and money involved. Your real estate investment strategies in Thrissur must be decided after you do your homework properly. Here is how to find the ideal property that you can afford: Fix a Budget Calculate your current and potential future expenses, and keep aside money for emergencies. Then, you will be able to arrive at a figure. This will tell you how much you can spend on a property in the way of down payment and monthly EMIs. Of course, you can avail a home loan to buy your dream home, but you should be able to repay it comfortably. Seek the help of a financial consultant to plan it well. There are several benefits of real estate investment in Thrissur, and it’s the right time to enter the market, too. Determine Requirements You need to have clarity about the type of property you want to buy, whether a plot, a villa, apartment, or anything else; you need to be certain of the purpose - is it for your personal use, or you’re looking to make money out of it; if its for your use, how big you need the property; how many BHK flat do you need? Do you want a luxury apartment or a basic one? Should your apartment have a gym, landscaped garden, swimming pool, and other upscale facilities? If you want to let the house, what is the rental you can earn? All these need to be defined at the outset. Investing in flats in Thrissur is a smart move because the city is rapidly developing, and there is a huge demand for rental apartments. Be Diligent It is important that you know the in-demand properties, locations, types of apartments, developers, and so on. Having a clear picture about the market trends in Thrissur will help you shortlist properties that are the most likely to give you the best ROI. Check out which sector looks promising, and read reviews left by people about developers and specific properties. Educate yourself about all legal formalities required. Shortlist the best properties after doing the groundwork Negotiate  Never take any offer at face value; always try and negotiate for a better deal. Look for apartment projects that have been announced; booking at that stage is likely to get you a substantially low price. You can also approach the builder during the construction phase, and you can still get a reasonable price on the flat, as it gives the builder funds for use. Apartments that are ready to move in are likely to be priced much higher. Property Inspection It is important that you actually visit the property and inspect it physically. If it’s a newly constructed or under construction flat, check the quality of construction, the layout, whether it’s proceeding as per the plan, and so on. If it’s a resale flat, see how well the building has held up to the elements, how well it’s been maintained, and so on. Whether old or new, check the amenities offered, the fixtures used, and the location - are essential goods, groceries, healthcare facilities etc. available nearby? Conclusion Getting the ideal property within your decided budget only needs a little groundwork. Be patient and wait for the right one to come along; even if you urgently need a flat for your family to move in, stay in a rental first and then purchase your dream property a little later. Varma Homes is one of the most reliable builders in Kerala, with outstanding projects in the best locations. Check out their premium 2 and 3 BHK apartments in Thrissur which feature top-notch amenities. FAQs What should I consider when setting a budget for buying property in Thrissur? When setting a budget for buying property in Thrissur, it's important to calculate your current and potential future expenses, including emergency funds. Consider how much you can comfortably afford for a down payment and monthly EMIs. It’s also wise to consult with a financial advisor to ensure you can manage a home loan without straining your finances. Remember, buying a property is a long-term commitment, so plan your budget accordingly to avoid financial stress. How do I choose the right type of property to invest in Thrissur? Choosing the right property in Thrissur depends on your specific needs and goals. Decide whether you want a plot, villa, or apartment based on your purpose—personal use or investment. Consider factors like the size, number of bedrooms, and amenities such as gyms, swimming pools, and landscaped gardens. If you’re planning to rent it out, research the rental income you can expect. Understanding your requirements will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your lifestyle and financial goals. Why is it important to inspect a property before buying in Thrissur? Inspecting a property before purchasing is crucial to ensure you’re making a sound investment. For newly constructed or under-construction flats, check the quality of construction, layout, and whether the project is on schedule. For resale properties, assess the building’s condition, maintenance history, and the quality of amenities. Regardless of the property’s age, evaluate the neighborhood and proximity to essential services like grocery stores and healthcare facilities. A thorough inspection helps you avoid surprises and ensures the property meets your expectations and needs.

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28 Aug

How To Create A Meditation Space in Your Flats in Thrissur?

Posted on Aug 28, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Thrissur, Thrissur

Most of us seem to be running from one task to another all day long, every day, and end up with a lot of stress. This can cause illness, so it is very essential that you take care of your physical and mental health properly. Most people go walking or jogging or join a gym for their physical fitness, but mental wellness is mostly ignored. Now, real estate market trends in Thrissur clearly show a shift towards apartment living. But don’t worry, you can easily create a sanctuary for your own wellness. De-Clutter Throw out stuff that you’ve not been using for a long time; chances are, you won’t be using them in the future, too. Donate or sell what you can, and just get rid of stuff that’s lying about in the house Get rid of clutter, which can impede the free flow of energy and positive thoughts. It will be difficult to be at peace with heaps of stuff lying about all around. Eliminate everything that may cause stress; your meditation space is your peaceful place, and you’re better off with less stuff. Decluttering will also help you in maximizing small spaces in apartments. Ventilate Ensure that maximum natural air and light enters your apartment. No amount of electric lights, fans or air-conditioning can give you the same benefits. Fresh air will refresh and recharge you. In the daytime, let the curtains be open and the sunlight stream in along with the breeze. Use air purifiers if you feel the air quality outside is not that pure. Get Plants The best way to create a soothing atmosphere is by bringing some greenery inside. A few potted plants make the place peaceful and tranquil. Being around plants can help you relax and de-stress. It’s the reason many people go to gardens in the mornings or evenings. Plants also give out oxygen, helping you breathe better. What’s more, indoor plants are one of the best ideas for low-cost interior design for apartments! Calming Colours Choose a quiet place for your meditation - a corner in your bedroom or a spare room. Ensure that the walls in that room are painted or wall papered in cool, soothing colours, or if you’re using textures, use pleasant and calming designs rather than ultra vivid images. This is also one of the  tips to attract positive energy into your flat. Fragrance You many not realize it, but smell does a lot to help you like or dislike a place, person, or thing. Needless to say, your meditation area should smell pleasant, so that your mind is calmed, and you can relax. Light aroma therapy oils, scented candles, incense sticks, flowers, fragrance pouches or whatever else helps to elevate your mood. Auditory Senses You can either make the place completely silent, or play some very soothing and relaxing music - sitar, veena, or tanpura are ideal. You can also play some chants or hymns to put you in the mood for meditation. Your Seat Lastly, and most importantly, make sure you have a comfortable item to sit on - a rug, mat, plank, or anything else. Get a low stool or chair if you can’t sit on the floor. Ideally, you should face the eastern or north-eastern side. Don’t forget to have a back rest so that you don’t get uncomfortable. Conclusion Creating a meditation space in your apartment in Thrissur is fairly straightforward! You are only limited by your creativity. We’ve given you some starting points, and you can add your own to create the perfect meditation space for you. If you buy a Varma Homes apartment, you will find that the interiors are thoughtfully designed to allow you to use the space any way you want. You can very easily and quickly create your own sanctuary to enjoy peace of mind. Varma Homes is one of the most reputed builders in Kerala, with all projects adhering to RERA norms and the highest quality standards. FAQs How can I create a meditation space in my flat in Thrissur? To create a meditation space in your flat in Thrissur, start by decluttering your area to remove any distractions and negative energy. Ensure the space is well-ventilated with plenty of natural light and fresh air. Add a few indoor plants to bring a touch of nature and tranquility. Choose calming colors for the walls and introduce pleasant fragrances like scented candles or incense. Playing soothing music or maintaining silence can enhance the meditative atmosphere. Lastly, make sure you have a comfortable seat to sit on, allowing you to relax and focus on your meditation practice. What colors are best for a meditation space in an apartment? For a meditation space in an apartment, it’s best to choose calming and soothing colors such as soft blues, greens, or neutral tones. These colors promote relaxation and help create a peaceful environment. Avoid bright and intense colors, as they can be distracting and may not contribute to a serene atmosphere. If you prefer using textures or patterns, opt for subtle and pleasant designs that evoke a sense of tranquility. Why is decluttering important for a meditation space? Decluttering is crucial for a meditation space because it helps create a serene and peaceful environment, free from distractions. Clutter can impede the flow of positive energy and make it difficult to relax and focus. A tidy and organized space allows your mind to unwind and enhances the overall meditative experience. By removing unnecessary items and keeping your meditation area simple, you create a calm and inviting space that promotes mindfulness and well-being.

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27 Aug

Ways To Pay Off Your Home Loan Faster in Thrissur

Posted on Aug 27, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Thrissur, Thrissur

There are several advantages of taking a home loan, like being able to purchase premium properties, not having to pay the full amount at once, tax benefits, and so on. You need to repay the home loan in small monthly payments called equated monthly instalments or EMIs. However, they form a major chunk of expenses, and the sooner you can pay your loan back, the better. Let’s look at how you can do that. Higher Initial Payment Paying a higher sum initially and choosing a lower loan amount is one of the best ways to be able to pay off your loan quickly. Of course, this depends on the disposable funds you have. If you can pay something like 20% of the property value or higher, it will serve you well. Short Tenure When you take a long-term loan, you pay smaller amounts every month, but in the long run, it means paying a lot more money as interest - this is one of the most important things to know before getting a home loan.  Which means, you are paying more to borrow. If you opt for a short tenure, you pay a lot less interest, which means your debt burden is smaller. Of course, short tenures means you pay a higher EMI; therefore, you should carefully consider how much you can afford to pay every month. Higher EMIs Higher EMIs will help you pay your loan off faster, as it means your loan tenure will be shorter. You should choose this option if you have a high monthly income. Higher EMIs will help you reduce the principal amount significantly, along with the interest; lower EMIs means you pay more towards the interest portion of your loan, and you will stay in debt for longer. Budget your monthly expenses, and future expenses like children’s education, medical expenses, emergency fund, etc., and then decide how much EMI you can pay month on month. Pre-Payments Whenever possible, make prepayments, which drastically bring down your principal amount. This will help you pay off your loan faster. Whenever you get some extra funds, use it for this purpose and be debt-free soon. Balance Transfer There are always lenders ready to offer better payment terms like lower interest or EMIs. talk to them and transfer your balance loan amount to them, and save on the interest you pay on your home loan. Timely EMI Payments Pay your EMIs on time. Set up an ECS mandate so that the amount is debited automatically, and keep your account funded so that it goes through. Not paying EMIs on the due date can result in fines and a reduction of your credit score. This will make it difficult for you to apply for loans later on. Tax Benefits Home loans entitle you to get some tax benefits. Consult a financial advisor to understand it properly, as these rules keep changing. You can use the money you save to make part payments and bring down your principal component. Conclusion Real estate market trends in Thrissur indicate that it is the right time to invest in property now. The market is showing an upward trend, thanks to the rapid developmental activities that are taking place in the city. When a city grows, demand for real estate also grows. Choose a reputed builder like Varma Homes for premium 2 and 3 BHK apartments with the latest amenities, for a hassle-free experience. All Varma Homes projects adhere to the highest quality standards and RERA norms, and are well-designed and feature thoughtful layouts. You can easily get a home loan as Varma Homes is a trusted name, and also has tie-ups with major financial institutions. FAQs How can I pay off my home loan faster in Thrissur? To pay off your home loan faster in Thrissur, consider several strategies such as making a higher initial payment, opting for a shorter loan tenure, increasing your EMI payments, and making prepayments whenever possible. Additionally, look for opportunities to transfer your loan balance to a lender offering lower interest rates. This combination of actions can significantly reduce your loan term and save you money on interest. Is it better to choose a shorter tenure for a home loan? Yes, opting for a shorter tenure can be beneficial if you aim to pay off your home loan faster. With a shorter tenure, you'll pay higher EMIs, but the total interest paid over the loan's duration will be significantly lower. This means you'll be debt-free sooner and save money in the long run. However, ensure that the higher EMIs fit comfortably within your budget to avoid financial strain. What are the benefits of making prepayments on a home loan? Making prepayments on your home loan helps reduce your principal amount, which in turn decreases the interest you have to pay over the loan term. This strategy can help you pay off your loan faster and save a considerable amount of money. It's a great option whenever you have extra funds, like a bonus or any unexpected income. Regular prepayments can lead to significant financial savings and a shorter loan tenure.

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26 Aug

Advantages and Disadvantages of Smart Homes in Thrissur

Posted on Aug 26, 2024
Real Estate Market Trends in Thrissur, Thrissur

Smart homes are becoming increasingly popular across the globe, including in the picturesque city of Thrissur. Known for its cultural heritage and vibrant community, Thrissur is now witnessing a shift towards technologically advanced living spaces. With real estate market trends in Thrissur evolving rapidly, more homeowners are considering the benefits of smart home technology. Smart homes, equipped with the latest automation technologies, promise convenience, security, and efficiency. However, like any innovation, smart homes come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits and drawbacks of smart homes in Thrissur, helping you decide if this modern lifestyle choice is right for you. What Are Smart Homes? Smart homes are residences that use internet-connected devices to enable remote management and monitoring of systems and appliances such as lighting, heating, security, and entertainment. These homes integrate various technologies, allowing homeowners to control them via smartphones, tablets, or voice-activated systems. In Thrissur, the adoption of smart home technology is steadily growing as more residents seek the convenience and advanced features these homes offer.Also read: Why Your Thrissur Home Needs Smart Automation Now More Than Ever Advantages of Smart Homes in Thrissur Enhanced Security One of the primary advantages of smart homes is enhanced security. Smart security systems, including cameras, motion detectors, and door/window sensors, allow homeowners to monitor their property remotely. These systems can send instant alerts to your smartphone in case of suspicious activity, providing peace of mind whether you're at home or away. In Thrissur, where community safety is valued, having a smart security system can add an extra layer of protection to your home. Energy Efficiency Smart homes are designed to be energy-efficient, reducing utility costs and environmental impact. Automated lighting, thermostats, and energy management systems ensure that lights are turned off when not needed and that heating or cooling is optimized. For residents of Thrissur, where the climate can be quite warm, smart thermostats can help maintain a comfortable indoor environment while minimizing energy consumption. This not only lowers electricity bills but also contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle. Convenience and Comfort Smart homes provide unparalleled convenience and comfort. Imagine controlling your home’s lighting, temperature, and entertainment systems with just a voice command or a tap on your phone. For Thrissur residents, this means being able to adjust settings to suit their preferences without having to move around the house. Whether it’s preheating the oven while you're still at the market or setting the perfect lighting for a family gathering, smart homes make everyday tasks easier and more enjoyable. Increased Property Value Investing in smart home technology can significantly increase the value of your property. As more buyers look for homes with modern amenities, having smart home features can make your property stand out in Thrissur’s real estate market. Buyers are often willing to pay a premium for homes that offer enhanced security, energy efficiency, and convenience. Therefore, smart home technology can be a wise investment for those looking to sell or rent out their property in the future. 3. Disadvantages of Smart Homes in Thrissur High Initial Costs Despite the numerous benefits, smart homes come with high initial costs. The expense of purchasing smart devices, installing them, and maintaining the network infrastructure can be significant. For many residents in Thrissur, these costs can be a barrier to adopting smart home technology. It's essential to weigh the long-term savings and benefits against the upfront investment to determine if a smart home is financially feasible. Privacy and Security Concerns While smart homes offer enhanced security, they also introduce privacy and security concerns. As these homes rely on internet connectivity, they are vulnerable to hacking and cyber-attacks. Personal data, including usage patterns and access credentials, can be at risk if not adequately protected. In Thrissur, where privacy is highly valued, potential homeowners need to consider these risks and invest in robust security measures to protect their smart home systems. Dependence on Technology Smart homes depend heavily on technology, which can be both a blessing and a curse. If there is a power outage or internet disruption, the functionality of smart devices can be severely compromised. For Thrissur residents, who may experience occasional power cuts, this dependence on technology could be a significant drawback. It's crucial to have backup systems in place and to understand how to manually operate essential home functions when technology fails. Compatibility Issues With a multitude of smart devices available in the market, compatibility issues can arise. Not all devices work seamlessly together, and integrating them into a cohesive system can be challenging. In Thrissur, where sourcing specific brands or models may be more difficult, finding compatible devices that work well together could be a hassle. Homeowners need to do thorough research or consult with professionals to ensure that their smart home setup is compatible and efficient. Popular Smart Home Technologies in Thrissur In Thrissur, several smart home technologies are gaining popularity among residents. Smart home hubs, which centralize control of various devices, are a popular choice. Smart lighting and thermostats are also in demand, offering both convenience and energy savings. For security-conscious homeowners, smart security systems with cameras and motion detectors are becoming a must-have feature. Smart Home Installation and Service Providers in Thrissur For those interested in smart homes, Thrissur offers several local service providers specializing in smart home installation and maintenance. These professionals can guide homeowners through the process of selecting the right devices, ensuring compatibility, and providing installation services. While some tech-savvy individuals may prefer a DIY approach, hiring professionals ensures that the system is correctly installed and optimized for performance. Future of Smart Homes in Thrissur The future of smart homes in Thrissur looks promising, with a growing interest in automation and technology. As more residents become aware of the benefits and are willing to invest in smart home technology, the market is expected to expand. Innovations in smart home technology, such as AI integration and more affordable devices, are likely to further boost adoption rates in Thrissur. Is a Smart Home Right for You in Thrissur? Deciding whether a smart home is right for you depends on various factors, including your budget, lifestyle, and personal preferences. If you value convenience, security, and energy efficiency, a smart home could be a great fit. However, if you're concerned about privacy, high initial costs, or dependence on technology, it might be worth reconsidering. It's essential to weigh the pros and cons carefully and consult with experts to make an informed decision. Conclusion Smart homes offer a modern, convenient, and secure living experience, but they are not without their challenges. In Thrissur, where both traditional values and modern conveniences are appreciated, smart homes can provide a unique blend of technology and comfort. By carefully considering the advantages and disadvantages, homeowners can decide if smart home technology aligns with their needs and lifestyle. Whether you're ready to embrace the future or prefer a more traditional approach, Thrissur has something to offer for every homeowner.Also read: 7 Reasons Why You’ll Love Apartment Living in Thrissur.

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